Thursday, October 31, 2013

Deliver a Basket Full of Fright

copyright Dixie Allan
Deliver a Basket Full of Fright. What's more fun than a Halloween-themed gift basket for recent buyers? Be sure to include a Halloween card "thank you" note. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Deliver a Halloween Door Hanger

copyright Dixie Allan
Deliver a Halloween Door Hanger. A clever door hanger delivered with a pumpkin saying to Trick O' Treaters "knock if you dare" (or something along those lines), with your contact info on the back side and perhaps some pumpkin carving instructions will "hang around" for a while. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Host a Halloween Home Buying Seminar

copyright Dixie Allan
Host a Halloween Home Buying Seminar. Hold at your office or a local community center and serve cider and donuts plus invite someone local to speak about financing. Be sure to give out copies of your listings along with a treat bag. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Costume Contest

copyright: Dixie Allan
Costume Contest. Host a costume contest on your website or Facebook page. Post the pictures and be sure to send a prize to all "winners". 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pumpkins Galore

Pumpkins Galore. Hand deliver pumpkins to your clients with children and have them carve then put the pictures on your website. Send a gift certificate for a local business as a follow-up prize and the parents will be grateful for making the kids feel good. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Useful Timing

Useful Timing. Send a Halloween card as a greeting but also with a reminder list of the fall maintenance things that should be done to homes. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Send Halloween Safety Tips

via lesson cloud
Send Halloween Safety Tips. Send out Halloween safety tips for Trick O' Treating with your name a logo throughout your neighborhood. Let your neighbors know you care. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. 

For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.