Thursday, October 31, 2013

Deliver a Basket Full of Fright

copyright Dixie Allan
Deliver a Basket Full of Fright. What's more fun than a Halloween-themed gift basket for recent buyers? Be sure to include a Halloween card "thank you" note. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Deliver a Halloween Door Hanger

copyright Dixie Allan
Deliver a Halloween Door Hanger. A clever door hanger delivered with a pumpkin saying to Trick O' Treaters "knock if you dare" (or something along those lines), with your contact info on the back side and perhaps some pumpkin carving instructions will "hang around" for a while. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Host a Halloween Home Buying Seminar

copyright Dixie Allan
Host a Halloween Home Buying Seminar. Hold at your office or a local community center and serve cider and donuts plus invite someone local to speak about financing. Be sure to give out copies of your listings along with a treat bag. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Costume Contest

copyright: Dixie Allan
Costume Contest. Host a costume contest on your website or Facebook page. Post the pictures and be sure to send a prize to all "winners". 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pumpkins Galore

Pumpkins Galore. Hand deliver pumpkins to your clients with children and have them carve then put the pictures on your website. Send a gift certificate for a local business as a follow-up prize and the parents will be grateful for making the kids feel good. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Useful Timing

Useful Timing. Send a Halloween card as a greeting but also with a reminder list of the fall maintenance things that should be done to homes. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Send Halloween Safety Tips

via lesson cloud
Send Halloween Safety Tips. Send out Halloween safety tips for Trick O' Treating with your name a logo throughout your neighborhood. Let your neighbors know you care. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. 

For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Website Decorating Contest

© Dixie Allan
Website Decorating Contest. Ask your clients to post photos of their decorated homes on your website or Facebook page then give out prizes for the best picture. 

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hauntingly Good News

Hauntingly Good News. Send out an email/newsletter discussing curb appeal and how to not scare away prospective buyers. Use plenty of Halloween phrases to spook up new connections! 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Play Halloween Host

Play Halloween Host. Host an event such as a hayride, corn maze, or local Halloween party. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Nice N' Scary

Nice N' Scary. 'Ghost' your co-workers or local vendors. Leave a steaming cup of coffee or a nice cold soda on your coworker's desk with a ghost note. This could also be nice with a pumpkin donut or bagel. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bring a Halloween Smile

Bring a Halloween Smile. Leave a note that says something nice about the person; they're friendly or they've done a nice job of decorating their house for Halloween. Carve a small pumpkin and leave an (unlit) tealight inside, along with a ghost note. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Remember Those Who Can't Trick O' Treat

Remember Those Who Can't Trick O' Treat. Send a card online or take cards in person to those in the hospital. In many hospitals, there are volunteers who can deliver it to the patient rooms. Don't forget to put in a ghost note. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Host a Haunted House

copyright Dixie Allan
Host a Haunted House. A local rented location would probably work best for this and you can even hire party planners to set up for you. Invite the neighborhood. 

This Happy Friday Bonus Halloween Marketing Tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Treat Your Smallest Neighbors

Treat Your Smallest Neighbors

Leave something special at your neighbor's door step with a ghost note attached. Pack a bag with a small toy or toys and leave at a door where children live with a ghost note (or have their parent give it to them with the ghost note). 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Spread Some Halloween Cheer

Spread Some Halloween Cheer. Pay for the next person in line during an outing, (museum, activity, or any event), and leave a ghost note for them to see with your name and logo on it. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Get Involved for a Good Cause

Image via today's mama
Get Involved for a Good Cause. If it's in a good location, make your office a 'Trick O' Treat stop and publicize, for example, that for every ‘Trick O' Treater you get you will donate one dollar to your favorite non-profit. If you don't have a favorite local non-profit, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so you can donate to any of the related charities. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bring on the Competition

image via
Bring on the Competition. Nothing brings out the competitive spirit like a neighborhood best decorated house contest. Sponsor one annually and make sure you give a spooky prize. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Go For Mom and Dad

Go For Mom and Dad. When the kids come ‘Trick O' Treating, give individual bags of candy with your business card enclosed. This way, not only have you gotten your name and occupation out to your neighbors, but cautious parents will feel more comfortable allowing their kids to eat the candy since its source is no longer anonymous. Give out coupons to the parents who come along. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Make Your Halloween Mail Spooky

Halloween letterhead via Zazzle
Make Your Halloween Mail Spooky

Use Halloween wording and images in your newsletters and cards this month such as: "Don’t be tricked by a bad economy, many treats wait in our local housing market.", or, "Not a ghost of chance you can own a home? Call us today for some surprising options." 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Electronic Spooking

Electronic Spooking. Send a virtual card, through 123Greetings or similar site, to all SOI. There are really great Halloween e-cards out there that really make an impression and don't cost a dime. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Spoof Up Your Listings

copyright Dixie Allan
Spoof Up Your Listings. This house, for example, is listed as "not haunted"! Be creative with your listing wording and signage and if you're clever with video editing you could even spoof a "haunted house" for sale video or use wording like this in your listing or blog. 

This Happy Friday Bonus Halloween Marketing Tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. For more expert advice visit us at, email, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Personal Touches Are Most Memorable

photo via messycharlie

Personal Touches Are Most Memorable. Create homemade leaf print cards to send to clients. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Get Your Name to Stick Around for a While

Get Your Name to Stick Around for a While. This is a neat item from the Marketing Guy, Mike Blaney, (look HERE). The blog is old, but the idea is fresh and these boxes can be bought directly from Jubilee Brands for any occasion. You could purchase these, fill them with candy and send them to clients/vendors/SOI to set in their offices for people to grab treats from it. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kids Love Coloring Contests

Kids Love Coloring Contests. Hold a coloring contest. Clients can print off page from your website (or via email) and have their child color it and return it to your office for a prize. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business.

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Raffles Bring Out the Neighborhood

Raffles Bring Out the Neighborhood

Have clients fill out online form to be entered in drawing for giant pumpkin, (you'll have to locate one locally). 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. 

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Nothing Beats a Pumpkin at Halloween

Nothing Beats a Pumpkin at Halloween

Give out coupons for a free pumpkin, bags of pumpkin/spice/apple potpourri, free jack-o-lantern patterns, or a packet of pumpkin spice with recipe card for pumpkin pie/bread with your name, office and logo on them. 

This Halloween marketing tip is brought to you by the Marketing Experts at Best Agent Business. 

For more expert advice visit us at www.BestAgentBusiness.comemail, or call us anytime at 202-297-2393.